Today, lets see how to create Feedback page for WorPress.
Feedback helps us improve our current scenario with better ideas.Feedbacks can be given by anyone according to their opinions or suggestions or their point of view.Some may help us improve and some may not.The recently launched site “” is one of the feedback pages where anyone can say their opinions on others or even comment on anything,that too anonymously.Isnt that interesting?
Lets get started if you are ready.Follow the easy 3 steps given below to create feedback page.There we go!
Step 1 – Install Ask Me Anything Anonymously WordPress Plugin
Install the Ask Me Anything plugin like you would install any other WordPress plugin.
Go to WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New > Search for “Ask Me Anything ”.
Install and activate the plugin.
Step 2 – Customize And Generate Shortcode Using The Shortcode Generator
Once you activate the plugin navigate to WP Admin > Settings > Ask Me Anything. You will find a shortcode generator.Lets see the style of Sarahah page.
To match the style of Sarahah, you need to modify three options.
- Change “Question Box Title” to “Leave a message”.
- Change “Submit Button Text” to “Send”.
- Change “Show Questions List” to “Hide”. If not, all the questions and your answers will be displayed to the public.
Step 3 – Add Shortcode To A Page And Publish
Copy the shortcode you generated in the previous step and paste it to any Page or Post and Publish the page.
Remember to enable comments on the page, if not the plugin will not work. The plugin uses the WordPress comment form to function and will fail to work on pages or posts with comments disabled.
Isnt it simple and easy to get a feedback this way? So, go ahead and try this!