How to Install Qmmp,inspired by Winamp on Ubuntu


Hey all..Today,we will see how to install Winamp inspired Qmmp on Ubuntu.

Do you all know what Qmmp stands for? If you don’t, Qmmp stands for Qt Multi Media Player is an open-source audio player built using C++ and Qt.
This is not the kind of music app that will appeal to fans of apps like Rhythmbox, Clementine or Deepin Music. Instead, it has a different view that only a Winamp fan can love.
And that’s because Qmmp is an audio player directly inspired by Winamp. Whether you’re looking for a Winamp alternative to use on Linux, or simply want a more straight-forward music player, Qmmp is a nifty app well worth a try.
This app focuses on playing audio files. The player supports an exhaustive array of music formats, including MP3, Ogg, and Flac, and is able to handle anything else that FFMPEG can. You can enable and/or add plugins to extend functionality, like being able to search and play music from YouTube, scrobble to, and fetching lyrics

Qmmp features:

  • Simple UI
  • Support for Winamp skins
  • Automatic album cover art fetching
  • Option to display embedded album art
  • ReplayGain support
  • Optional ‘simple’ UI
  • DSP effects (including cross fade)
  • Visualisations
  • ALSA support
  • 10-band equalizer
  • MPRIS support
  • m3u, pls, xspf playlists

Install Qmmp on Ubuntu:

To install the latest Qmmp release on Ubuntu you need to add the application’s official PPA to your software sources.

To do this, open a new Terminal window and run the following command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:forkotov02/ppa
sudo apt update && sudo apt install qmmp qmmp-plugin-pack

Once installed open Qmmp from the Unity Dash, GNOME Applications overview, or similar application menu.

Now, listen to your favorite music on Qmmp inspired by Winamp!