How to install Etcher on Ubuntu


Etcher, a popular open-source USB image writer tool for Windows, macOS and Linux, has just issued a new stable release. Etcher was used to write over one million images to SD cards & USB drives.Built using the Electron format, Etcher is a true cross-platform app that can write .iso, .img and .zip files to USB drives and SD cards. Know more about “Etcher”

If you prefer to install your apps in a more traditional way, you can install Etcher on Ubuntu from the Etcher repository.

To add the Etcher Repo:

  • Open the Software & Updatesapp using the Unity Dash (or an alternative app launcher):

  • Select the ‘Other Software’ tab in Software & Updates
  • Click ‘Add’ and paste the following the entry field of the box that appears:

            deb stable etcher

  • Click ‘Add Source’ to confirm the change, then close Software & Updates. 
  • The next step is to add the repository key. This allows Ubuntu to verify that packages installed from the repository. You have to add this key to be able to  install    Etcher.
  • Open a new Terminal window, paste the following command, and then hit return/enter:

                       sudo apt-key adv –keyserver hkp:// —

                          recv-keys  379CE192D401AB61

  • Finally, update your packages list and install the app:

                       sudo apt update && sudo apt install etcher-electron

There you go! Done installing Etcher on Ubuntu.



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