The most elegant icon set for Gnome looks cool in Unity as well. AwOken version 2.0 comes with new icons, new icon editor, Natty support and more. Find out What’s New in AwOken 2.0 and try it out in your Natty with our installation guide.
What`s New in AwOken 2.0?
- Great change in customization script: now, for those who has zenity installed, it’s possible to configure the icon set through a very comfortable GUI.
- Updated README pdf file to meet new changes in customization script, and added a new chapter to include a list of those applications that don’t want to change their icon
- Added Natty packages to the PPA
- Revamped support for karmic deb packages
- Better support for Natty Narwhal. New icons for gnome-workspace, kjobviewer, preferences-system-time, battery-good-charging, log viewer
- New icons for applications added (some redrawn): workspace-switcher, google chrome, firefox-trunk, ubuntu one and many many more
To install Awoken 2.0 in Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal, open Terminal and run the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alecive/antigone
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install awoken-icon-theme-customization
For customizing the installed icons, open a Terminal and run :
Hope the above installation will work error free for you. Else you can let me know the issues.