How to Install WinRAR in Ubuntu (With & Without Wine)


Even though I have installed all the necessary packages needed to open *.rar files, I get error while opening particular password protected files. So, I had to install WinRAR to open those files.Initially I extracted the files using the terminal by installing unrar package, but eventually I installed WinRAR.

NOTE: WinRAR can in all versions of Ubuntu.

Set it Up…

There are three methods to set up WinRAR in Ubuntu.

Method 1 (Command Line)

1. You can install the WinRAR libraries in Ubuntu by opening the terminal and executing

sudo apt-get install unrar

2. But you have use the terminal to extract the files, e.g. to extract in current location.

unrar e file.rar

You can find more options by typing

man unrar


Method 2 (With Wine)

1. You can run WinRAR using Wine. If haven’t installed Wine click below


2. Once you have installed wine get WinRAR @

3. Then right click on the downloaded file and click Run with Wine.

4. Then install WinRAR as in Windows.


Method 3 (Without Wine installed)

In this method we will use WinRAR setup with Wine Libraries. Hence there is no need of installing Wine seperatly.

1. Download WinRAR for Linux and latest WinRAR @

2. Then extract WinRARLinux.tar.gz

3. Open the extracted folder and place the wrar*.exe in the WinRAR Installers folder

4. Then Run and click Install (select the setup)

5. Now your ready to use WinRAR. Just press Run to start WinRAR

Later you can Update your WinRAR by placing the latest version of WinRAR in the Installer folder and clicking on Install


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