How to Create Watermarks in Ubuntu with WatermarkImages


Copyright is one of the main key element that shows your work is genuine. If you’re placing your photographs on the Internet, you’ll want to make sure you protect your rights to those images. The best way to protect digital photos is by watermarking your photos.

You can easily create watermarks to protect your pictures using WatermarkImages. The Software supports popular image formats like jpg, tif, gif, png,bmp & raw images from Canon, Nikon, Minolta, Olympus, Fujifilm, Sony, Pentax, Leica. It allows you to text and logo watermark. You can preview the watermarked images before actually watermarking the image.


You need to install Java in order to run WatermarkImages. To install Java open the terminal and type:

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin
After that download WatermarkImages from here. Once downloaded extract the file and right click on WaterMarker2.1.jar and go to Properties ->Permissions and select Allow executing file as program and close the window.
Then to run WaterMarker2.1.jar right click and select Open with Sun Java 6.
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