Gnome 3 Goes Online with News and Updates


As the main talk of the of the season Gnome 3 is set to release soon and the Gnome team has done a serious work in this project. They have even hosted a website. The GNOME Project has started from scratch and created a completely new, modern desktop designed for today’s users and technologies.

So, What’s New?

Here are are some major highlights in GNOME 3:

Simply Amazing ‘New Look’

They have just reinvented the Design to sweep old style and cliché. They’ve swept away the clutter and made a simple and easy-to-use desktop. It has better font family and better animations along with faster performance than ever.

An Overview at a Glance

The activities view provides an easy way to access all your windows and applications. It is also a great way to keep track of all your activities. They have provided several fast and convenient ways to access the activities view, including the activities keyboard key (Windows key) and the activities hot corner.

Messaging Takes a New Tone

It is tedious to open a to window to reply or sent messages. GNOME 3 has done some major changes that will let you continue your conversations without changing focus. It gives the user the power to reply messages right into the notifications. This saves a lot of time and is qiuck.

Distraction-Free Computing

GNOME 3 is designed to reduce distraction and interruption and to put you in control. Their new notifications system subtly presents messages and will save them until you are ready for them, and the GNOME 3 panel has been styled so that it is part of the background, not the foreground.

Get It in Your Control

The new Gnome is designed to be quickly accessed from the keyboard. Press the activities key (window key)  and search: it’s as simple as that. You’ll love this feature if you’re a user who likes things to happen fast.

Impressive System Settings

The system settings have been completely redesigned for GNOME 3, making them easier to use than ever before. There are some great new features in their system settings too, such as the ability to use Flickr images as desktop backgrounds.

And it Continues….

GNOME 3 is crammed full of new features. Here are some of the other things to look forward in the upcoming Gnome 3:

  • Window tiling to make using several windows simple and easy
  • An improved file manager
  • Dark application themes for when you want to focus on pictures and videos
  • Redesigned workspaces so you can easily organize your windows
  • Major changes under the hood to give you a faster, smoother experience
  • A satisfying experience, whatever kind of computer you use: GNOME 3 will feel right at home on netbooks as well as larger machines

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