Ubuntu 11.04 – Natty Narwhal Alpha 1 is Released [Download Links]


Ubuntu 11.04 alpha 1 .iso is finally available for the public. It has many new features which we have seen in the previous post. It still has a long way to go until the final release on April 2011. So here are the links:

natty-desktop-i386.iso – 717MB Desktop CD for PC (Intel x86)

natty-desktop-amd64.iso – 723MB Desktop CD for 64-bit PC (AMD64)

natty-desktop-amd64+mac.iso – 719M Desktop CD for 64-bit Mac (AMD64)

Get the complete list of release images for here.

Note: As Natty Narwhal is in its alpha stage the  image is still oversized and will not fit onto a standard 700MB CD. You can test it using a DVD, a USB drive, or a virtual machine. Do not install this in production machines.

Here are some Screenshots taken from Ubuntu 11.04 alpha 1 release..

Unity Ubuntu 11.04 default Enviroment

Compiz Manager in Ubuntu

Lets keep up the Ubuntu spirit and spread the word….


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