Install Scrivener – content generating software for Linux / Ubuntu


Scrivener is an excellent content writing and generating software that was available for only Mac OS X users until  it was officially announced for Windows. The conventional word processing tools like Microsoft  Word focuses on the appearance of the content where as this handy tool concentrates on helping users to generate content. Scrivener is extremely useful for bloggers, novelists, online content writers etc.

The Windows version of  Scrivener can be installed on to a Linux machine (Ubuntu) by emulating it with Wine. If you are new to Wine, you can know more about it from here.
You can split up a long text into smaller, more manageable chunks (chapters, scenes, main points – how large or small is up to you) and can edit them independently or together as one long document. Its structural tools include a corkboard and an outliner for rearranging the constituent parts of your draft, so that you can plan your work in advance or get an overview and restructure it after the first pass. You can also refer to research documents (such as images and PDF files) by having them alongside your text as you work.

When your manuscript is complete, you can compile it into one long document for printing or for exporting to a word processor such as Open Office (in Linux) and Microsoft Word (in Windows). 

Scrivener is not a free or open source software and a single license will cost you $45/£31. You can download the latest beta version of Scrivener from here with a trial period of 60 days.


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