GNUGuitarINUX, the Operating System of the Guitarists


Every computer user has very different need. Most of us use are our computers mainly to surf the net and do a couple of a documents, presentations, projects…etc while others have more specific needs, such as designing, audio/video editting, programming or creating music. It is for the Musicians GNUGuitarINUX designed, specifically for guitarists.

GNUGuitarINUX is a LiveCD Linux distribution based on Debian. It is specifically designed to obtain the maximum results to create music. It is well configured to obtain the best performance with the smallest latency possible. GNUGuitarINUX has several dedicated programs like TuxGuitar, Audacity and many other powerful softwares but Rakarrack is its main target.

GNUGuitarINUX offers a great alternative to the musicians who want to create big projects without having to spend huge amount of money on softwares. It is completely free and is at version 1.0 RC2, but hopefully final version 1.0 will release soon. You can download it from here.

Please let me know if you find any difficulties.


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