ScreenGrab – Superior Screen Capturing App for Ubuntu


I was searching for a software for taking screen shots in Ubuntu and was amazed to see the linux version of ScreenGrab which i thought of sharing in this post. ScreenGrab is  simple utility which runs on both Windows and Linux used to capturing screens with superior quality. The latest version of screen grab is v0.9 and include some basic features like:

  • Capture full screen, active window or selection.
  • Copies the capture to the clipboard.
  • Save captures in PNG and JPEG.
  • Ability to delay the capture of 1 to 90 seconds.
  • Supports keyboard shortcuts.
  • Hides your window.
  • It uses Qt

Today ScreenGrab has been updated to version 0.9 with these changes:

* Global shortcus are added.
* It has an option for enable | disable in the system tray.
* Allow multiple screenshots at a instant
* Added autosave option is added  which can be enabled or disabled

To install in ubuntu Maverick / Lucid download and install from here


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