Things 1.4.3 – new version of the popular task manager for Mac


Developers from Cultured Code released a new version of Things – powerful and easy to use task management software for OS X. Things, like many other task management applications, is designed to work with David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) system, though you don’t have to know GTD in order to use it. Things is available not only for Mac but also for iPhone and iPad.

Things is impressive with a clean interface, excellent user support and great list of features could make Things one of the few productivity programs worthy of buying. The most useful features are well-labeled and located in a well-organized and convenient manner.

Features of Things 1.4.3:

  • Quick Entry: a new preference allows either Inbox or Today to be chosen as the default destination
  • Tasks now show their creation date and last modified date in the action menu
  • Projects and Areas can now be sorted alphabetically in the sidebar by ctrl-clicking a Project or Area
  • Font-size changes in the main view will now also affect the Tags window
  • Enabling the option “Group to-dos in the Today list by project or area” in preferences now shows a notification that this feature is not supported on iOS devices
  • Enhanced readability of mail subjects with non-ASCII characters
  • Added a progress bar for the “Preparing” phase of the sync process
  • Fixed an issue where using Quick Entry in conjunction with OS X Spaces could make the keyboard unresponsive
  • Fixed an issue where the shortcut for emptying the Trash would delete the currently selected task
  • Fixed an issue where tasks in the Logbook would erroneously make the “Show in Logbook” button visible on the toolbar
  • Fixed an issue where tasks were not sorted by completion date in the Logbook
  • Fixed an issue where logged tasks were not sorted by completion date in the Project viewDownload Things for Mac trial version here or purchase it for $49.95


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