How to create a jailbreak for your iOS device with pwnageTool 4.1 in Mac


Still afraid to jailbreak your idevice??? Here is a simple step by step tutorial to jailbreak with pwnageTool 4.1 in Mac. This tutorial is applicable for iPhone(3G,3GS,4), iPod Touch(4G, 3G), iPad(firmware 3.2.2) and AppleTV 2G.


  • PwnageTool 4.1 for Mac.
  • IOS Firmware 4.1 for your device.

STEP 1. Create a folder in the desktop and copy the downloaded firmware and pwnageTool to it. (Mount the. dmg and copy the pwnageTool to the folder).

STEP 2. Open pwnageTool and accept the warning which appears. In the top menu select “Expert Mode” and then select the image corresponding to your device to be modified and then click on the arrow to continue.

STEP 3. On the next screen click on the “Browse for IPSW… “And in the window that appears, select the firmware you’ve downloaded to the desktop folder. Click “Open”.

STEP 4. On this screen select the “General “for further settings.

STEP 5. In the “General Settings” screen you can set whether to activate the phone. By activating this you can use an unofficial sim with your iPhone. If you have an official sim uncheck this option.
Also, for iPhone 3G multitasking, custom wallpaper etc can be enabled on this screen. After choosing the options click on the back icon.

STEP 6. Now select “Cydia packages”. From this screen you can customize individual packages that are provided by Cydia. Navigate through the tabs and configure the packages that you would like to preinstall. Remember you will also be able to install Cydia packages from the iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4.

STEP 7. Now you’re all set to do, click on “Build “to start creating the custom firmware. When the ‘save’ screen appears, save it to the desktop folder created at the beginning.

STEP 8. After building the custom firmware, you will be prompted to connect the device to the Mac to put it in DFU mode. Follow the instructions to get your device in the DFU mode:

  1. Hold down the power button and the Home for 10 seconds.
  2. After 10 seconds, release the power button and continue holding the Home button for 10 seconds.
  3. Once you have the iPhone in DFU mode, PwnageTool will detect it and ask you to open iTunes.

STEP 9. This is the last step, open iTunes, it should detect your iPhone in DFU mode. Accept the window that appears and then proceed to restore the custom firmware from the desktop folder. Once this process is done, your iPhone will be jailbreaked and you’ll see Cydia on your springboard upon rebooting your device.


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