Let’s talk about CometSound, lightweight alternative player for playing audio files (mp3, wma, ogg). CometSound is a Music player for GNU/Linux written in python, using pygtk and gstreamer libraries. Features: – collects and shows only the audio files (mp3, wma, ogg) of a given folder recursively – allows the user to create playlists and to shuffle them – uses Gstreamer multimedia framework, and a GTK+ user interface – supports mp3 and wma tags (through python-mutagen) – is free software. Released under GNU GPL v2+ License It is very easy to use, we have to specify the parent folder and the application will automatically filter the supported files, allowing the creation of playlists. To install it in Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) install deb package from here Once installed you will find it in Applications> Sound & Video> CometSound.