How to install Ailurus in Ubuntu/Fedora


Ailurus is cross-Linux-distribution GPL software. It is a simple application installer and GNOME tweaker, which aims at making GNOME easier to use. The target audience of Ailurus is the GNOME users. Ailurus hopes to reduce the difficulty which newcomers encounter when they are using GNOME. Ailurus hopes to promote open-source software which is elegant but has not entered official repository.

Ailurus can …
–>display Linux skills
–>install popular software
–>change GNOME settings
–>display hardware information
–>enable some third party repositories*
–>clean apt/yum cache*
–>backup and recover apt/yum status*

the features marked with “*” support Ubuntu/Fedora only

Now Ailurus supports Fedora, Ubuntu, Mint, Arch Linux.

How to install Ailurus?
Open a terminal window (Applications->Accessories->Terminal). Then copy and pasting the following into your terminal:

For Ubuntu, Mint,
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ailurus
sudo apt-get install ailurus

For Fedora,
su -c ‘wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ailurus.repo

Then you can access it under Applications->System Tools->Ailurus


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